This was a rather ‘hard’ piece to write. Not because I am short of words nor ideas. But because I am truly and immensely touched by the support, commitment and personal energy put by certain family members; it is extraordinary! No amount of money nor gold could ever be enough to thank them. If coins of different materials and faces were to be raffled – you can only wish that the shiny golden coin will be their lucky pick.
Many are the times that we are told to treasure family, because they will be there for you through the thick and the thin. Over the years, however, I have come to learn that: families, both nuclear and extended, exist in different moods, level of energy, character, friendship and support towards us. I will highlight a few types, there are probably more out there. We learn each new day.
There is the family members type one who will be there for you no matter what – they do not only make effort to be physically and emotionally there for you; they always show up! Regardless of the tides and seasons, they are simply there providing the perfect shoulder of solace. There energy and level of support is on another level. When paired to work with them, you ask yourself if you could ever fit into such shoes – these guys are simply ablaze. I prefer to call them ‘presentmaniacs’ but feels this is a bit of an understatement because the word energy needs to feature somewhere within that title. There are no reminders needed that you must appreciate them. Count them in as you count your blessings one by one.
There is another family type who are there for you – in both the good and the bad times as well. Unfortunately, they may not be able to physically show up due to constraints within or beyond their control. However, the aura and depth of virtual presence they accord resonates so deep that they would almost qualify as the present maniacs - they show up differently. I will call them the 'virtualmaniacs'. These are the type that will suddenly have you sorted out at a time when times are tough all around you and all hope seems gone. There words of encouragement run deeper than water in the seas. For they are blessed with a positive tongue and will use it for your good. Again, no reminder needed to do the least expected – appreciate them.
This is for the family members who show support behind the scenes but in a different kind of way. They are the quiet people who prefer not to be seen or heard but still stand with you. As some would say, they prefer their privacy. They are like angels who stay guard watching over you and say a prayer with you. You may never get to realize that they have been there with and for you all the while. But they are! You are in their thoughts always. Do not forget to be grateful for them. For your act of gratitude means more than you can ever imagine.
Then there is the laissez-faire type who are basically the hands-off people. They leave you alone and let you be which is not a bad thing at times. Because we sometimes find ourselves in situations where all we want is me, myself and I to deal with it. On the downside, these are dangerous people to have and consider as family simply because of blood relations. They might spare a minute or so to listen to what you have to say but move on thereafter with their lives as though you said nothing, and nothing happened. There are times where this nature of reaction is borne out of past experiences which may be understandable. Don’t spend too much energy trying to stress over it, for history cannot be changed – it remains a constant like change itself. When it comes to gratitude, we must always remain grateful. So yes – whether sore or sour, be grateful for this type of relations.
Life allows us to experience varieties including family variances. Family is important and comes handy at your darkest moments. As it is said, blood is thicker than water. But I wish to throw a spanner in the works and dare say, ‘water can metaphorically be thicker than blood’. This is me being crazy, right? Find out why the spanner may be useful on my next post.
This piece is in honor of family, extended and nuclear, who dedicate their time, energy or resources to be there for you always. Because family means more than the genetic ties. For actions speak louder than words. And family should be there for each other.
"Because family means more than the genetic ties. For actions speak louder than words. And family should be there for each other." THIS.